SFC 10383  Basic Mathematics

BASIC MATHEMATICS is designed to introduce students to fundamental mathematical concepts and demonstrate analytical and critical thinking skills using appropriate techniques in problem solving. This course covers the topics of numbering system, set and relation, function, and graph theory in networking.

SFC 10393 Database Fundamentals

DATABASE FUNDAMENTALS aims to acquaint students with the principles of database systems. Throughout this course, students will become familiar with crafting and overseeing database systems through both Microsoft Access and a primer on SQL (Structured Query Language). The curriculum imparts a blend of theoretical and hands-on expertise, encompassing fundamental database system concepts.

SFC 10403 Programming Fundamental

PROGRAMMING FUNDAMENTALS course introduces the fundamental concepts of structured programming and provides a comprehensive introduction to programming for Information Technology majors. Topics include data types, control structures, functions, arrays and the mechanics of running, testing and debugging. Practical lab sessions will help to develop the skills required to identify the best data and program constructs to solve well-define problems.

SFC 10413 Computer Architechure

COMPUTER ARCHITECHURE emphasizes on identifying computer hardware, software, network components, computer subsystems and interconnections to develop a full computer system. Students will demonstrate diagnostic and troubleshooting skills to solve hardware, software and network related issues. Through this course, students will be able to develop practical experience, communication skills and entrepreneurial skills related to computer architecture.