Advanced Food and Beverage Techniques course is designed for students to learn on the various techniques such as carving and flambé used in Guéridon Service. Moreover, they will discover methods to handle VIP guest and various protocols applicable while delivering the service. Finally, students will be exposed to the concept of fine dining and get familiar with food products often served in fine dining restaurant concept.

  • Enrolled students: There are no students enrolled in this course.

Professional Food and Beverage Service is designed for students to apply skills and techniques learnt during Semester 1 and Semester 2 to an environment functioning as a commercial restaurant. Students will be given the opportunity to handle service involving A la Carte Service which cover American Service, French Service and Russian Service. On top of that, students enable to discover new service such as Banquet Service and Buffet Service. In the end of the course, students are required to organize an event related to food and beverage service.

  • Enrolled students: There are no students enrolled in this course.

Room Service course is designed to equip students with the capabilities and knowledge to handle room service techniques, especially in the area of food and beverage service. This course allows the students to practice the delivery of room service procedure effectively. The students will get the opportunity to manage more complex service and develop their professional skills as well, which enable them to use that knowledge and skills for future career.

  • Enrolled students: There are no students enrolled in this course.

Banquet Operation course provides students with the basic knowledge of banquet setup, service and operations. It also enables students to arrange banquet set up based on types of event, organize banquet set up based on event order requirement and perform banquet operation according to the given task. It further enables the students to apply the concept and practices used in banquet setup, service and operations.

  • Enrolled students: There are no students enrolled in this course.

Digital Entrepreneurship introduces students to how to develop creativity and innovation and managing risk in starting up a digital business environment. This course will also guide students on ways to conduct a business using online marketing platforms such as social media marketing, website, mobile marketing, and email marketing. This course also emphasizes the development of e-business via e-commerce platforms to reach a bigger market.

  • Enrolled students: There are no students enrolled in this course.

Personal Development course provides students with the basic knowledge of concepts and responsibilities involving employee in the workplace This course covers the different functional areas that comprise the field of personal development in the workplace, including employee’s or employer’s rights, job descriptions and job specifications, remuneration, professionalism and job searching. This will give students the opportunity to develop their professional skills that enable them to use that knowledge and skills later in their career.

  • Enrolled students: There are no students enrolled in this course.